Lead Paint Safety
Finaltone Painting Company is EPA Lead-Safe-Certified. We are trained and equipped to handle all your lead paint projects, effectively and safely.
What Is Lead Paint Abatement?
Lead Paint Abatement is the process of safely and permanently removing and/or eliminating lead-based paint hazards. Lead paint abatement can be very dangerous if done improperly. Such abatement can involve specialized techniques not typical of most non-certified contractors. If abatement work is done improperly, an even greater lead hazard may be created.
What Does The EPA Say?
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that contractors who perform projects involving lead paint in pre-1978 target housing and child-occupied facilities to be certified and follow specific work practices.
The EPA’s 2008 Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule (as amended in 2010 and 2011), aims to protect the public from lead-based paint hazards associated with renovation, repair and painting activities. These activities can create hazardous lead dust when surfaces with lead paint, even from many decades ago, are disturbed.
The rule requires workers to be certified and trained in the use of lead-safe work practices, and requires renovation, repair, and painting firms to be EPA-certified. These requirements became fully effective April 22, 2010.
Why Hire A Lead-Safe-Certified Contractor?
You should always hire a certified contractor to help prevent symptoms of lead poisoning, including: learning disabilities, behavior issues, diminished motor skills, lower intelligence, hearing loss, brain damage, memory loss, chronic headaches, and more.
Today, there are over one million kids who have been poisoned by lead from old paint. Projects that create even a small amount of lead dust are enough to poison a child and put families at risk. If you live in a home or apartment that was built before 1978, make sure you hire a certified professional. Finaltone Painting Company is Lead-Safe-Certified in accordance with EPA guidelines, and we know how to protect you and your family.